Wyniki szkolnego dyktanda „Spelling Challenge”
Z przyjemnością ogłaszamy wyniki dyktanda z języka angielskiego „Spelling Challenge.”
Konkurs odbył się 3. marca 2023 r. i wzięło w nim udział 16 uczniów z klas 1 i 2.
Dyktando składało się z dwóch niełatwych tekstów, a do zdobycia było 277 punktów.
Najlepsi okazali się:
1. Kevin Klas 1K –260 pkt
2. Aleksander Jarkuszewicz 1ip – 256
3. Bartłomiej Majcher 1K – 254
Zwycięzcy konkursu otrzymali atrakcyjne nagrody rzeczowe. Serdecznie gratulujemy i życzymy dalszych sukcesów w zmaganiach z podchwytliwą ortografią języka angielskiego!
Organizatorzy konkursu: Małgorzata Gumprecht i Karolina Balcer-Marel.
Poniżej prezentujemy oba teksty ze szkolnego konkursu:
Tekst nr 1 – „Bingo”
Bingo is a popular game played for money in the UK. Bingo nights are held in church halls, clubs and pubs all over the country.
To play the game you have to buy one or more cards with numbers printed on them. The game is run by a caller, whose job it is to call out the numbers and check winning tickets. The caller will usually say „Eyes down,” to indicate that he or she is about to start. They then call the numbers as they are randomly selected, either by an electronic Random Number Generator (RNG), by drawing counters from a bag or by using balls in a mechanical draw machine. The numbers are called out clearly, for example „Both the fives, fifty-five”, or „Two and three, twenty-three.” Some numbers have been given nicknames, for example „Two Fat Ladies”, which is the number eighty-eight. Players cross out the numbers on their card as they are called out. The first player to mark off all their numbers shouts „Bingo!” and is the winner.
Tekst nr 2 – Fragment książki: „Why we sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams”, Autor: Matthew Walker
While it may sound hyperbolic, nothing about this fictitious advertisement would be inaccurate. If it were for a new drug, many people would be disbelieving.Those who were convinced would pay large sums of money for even the smallest dose. Should clinical trials back up the claims, share prices of the pharmaceutical company that invented the drug would skyrocket. Of course, the ad is not describing some miracle new tincture or a cure-all wonder drug, but rather the proven benefits of a full night of sleep. The evidence supporting these claims has been documented in more than seventeen thousand well-scrutinized scientific reports to date.